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  • Published Date

    June 23, 2019
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RI CREDIT UNION 4000 1234 5b18 90 4000 10200/00 nOF VISA Rewards Credit Card 3.90 INTRODUCTORY RATE ON PURCHASES AND BALANCE TRANSFERS APR FOR 13 BILLING CYCLES NO ANNUAL FEES NO BALANCE TRANSFER FEES 401.568.6271 CREDIT UNION ricreditunion.org More than just banking The Introductory Rate will be in effect from the time of the posting of the initial qualifying transaction for 13 billig cycles begin- ning from account approval. After the expiration of your Introductory Rate, the remaining unpaid portion of purchases and balance transfers will be subject to your standard APR which will range from 9.90% APR-14.90% APR determined by your creditworthiness. Any existing balances on current Rhode Island Credit Union lan andlor credit card accounts are not eligible for the Introductory APR RI CREDIT UNION 4000 1234 5b18 90 4000 10200/00 nOF VISA Rewards Credit Card 3.90 INTRODUCTORY RATE ON PURCHASES AND BALANCE TRANSFERS APR FOR 13 BILLING CYCLES NO ANNUAL FEES NO BALANCE TRANSFER FEES 401.568.6271 CREDIT UNION ricreditunion.org More than just banking The Introductory Rate will be in effect from the time of the posting of the initial qualifying transaction for 13 billig cycles begin- ning from account approval. After the expiration of your Introductory Rate, the remaining unpaid portion of purchases and balance transfers will be subject to your standard APR which will range from 9.90% APR-14.90% APR determined by your creditworthiness. Any existing balances on current Rhode Island Credit Union lan andlor credit card accounts are not eligible for the Introductory APR